To register for Pilates classes, contact us. A consultation is required before taking part in open studio sessions.
Benefits of Pilates training include:
- Significant strength gains
- Increased range of motion
- Improved posture
- Elimination of chronic pain
- Enhanced performace
- A balanced body
Pilates conditioning teaches you to:
- Use your body more efficiently
- Correct your imbalances
- Make the most of your strengths
- Counteract your weaknesses
What is Pilates Training?
Pilates training combines the teaching of German nurse and fitness enthusiast Joseph Pilates with contemporary knowledge about the body to provide a highly effective workout for men and women of all fitness levels. With its focus on precise form and well-placed alignment Pilates dramatically improves strength, flexibility, coordination, balance and posture.
How is Pilates different from other workouts?
Many other fitness programs take a “body parts” approach to training, emphasizing isolated exercises designed to target superficial muscle groups. Pilates training strengthens the deep, architectual muscles of the body in order to develop the strength needed to integrate and support the skeletal structure of the body more efficiently. Each exercise is designed to condition the entire body by coordinating the upper and lower musculature with the body’s center – the abdominal pelvic region. The result: a balanced body that is well proportioned and strong without unnecessary bulk.
How does Pilates work?
Pilates training makes people more aware of their bodies as single integrated units, improves alignment and breathing, and increase efficiency of movement.
This innovative approach results in significant strength gains while simultaneously increasing range of motion (joint flexibility). Each exercise focues equally on both the concentric (effort) and eccentric (controlled release) phase of muscular contraction. Since no muscle group is overtrained or undertrained, the result is a balanced body. The combination of superior strength and increased flexibility allows for extremely efficient performance in a broad range of movement activities.
Can anyone do Pilates?
Pilates training is a challenging and vigorous workout but because it is based on the contemporary knowledge of anatomy and kinesiology the program can be modified for a wide variety of fitness levels. It is gentle enough to be performed by seniors and pregnant women, sophisticated enough to challenge the superfit and safe enough to be prescribed for rehabilitation. No other method is so kind to the body while being so effective. It is the perfect program for everyone – from beginners looking for an alternative to traditional gym workouts to professional athletes and dancers who want to remain injury-free while developing a winning edge.
Is Pilates safe?
Yes. Its emphasis on core stability, functional movement and proper alignment make Pilates training one of the safest workouts available. In fact, Pilates-evolved exercises are so safe that they are used by physical therapists in rehabilitation and post-rehabilitation programs. The equipment is designed to support the neck and back and the exercises are low-impact and non- to partial-weight bearing. These features combined with the close supervision of a highly trained instructor insure the safety of the method for everyone who practices it.
Does Pilates eliminate chronic pain?
In many cases, it can. Chronic pain and tension are often brought on by poor postural habits associated with the incorrect repetition of everyday movements. Pilates conditioning realigns the skeletal structure of the body by teaching the user to replace faulty muscular responses with more efficient ones.