Pilates-based Rehab
To register for Pilates classes, contact us. A consultation is required before taking part in open studio sessions.
What is Pilates-based Rehabilitation?
We use a Stott Pilates approach. It is a contemporary approach to the original exercise method pioneered by Joseph Pilates. It incorporates modern exercise principles, and applies proven and accepted practices in biomechanics, rehabilitation and athletic performance enhancement. Stott exercises are designed to restore the natural curves of the spine and rebalance the muscles around the joints. This involves placing more emphasis on pelvic and scapular stabilization, and integration of al the parts of the body into one. Preparatory exercises and modifications allow the technique to be appropriate for many different body types and abilities, making it applicable to sport-specific training and everyday life Wether performed on a mat or specialized equipment, application of the follow biomechanical principles will ensure the realization of maximum benefits from pilates exercises: breathing, pelvic placement, rib cage placement, scapular movement, and head and cervical spine placement.